A review by shay23
The Lady in Blue: A Grunge Gods and Graveyards Mystery by Kimberly G. Giarratano


A Halfway Decent Review That Does Not Do Justice To This Book:

I kind of loved this. I'm going to try not to use that word too much because it's basically the only word I used in my review of Grunge Gods and Graveyards, okay? And I can write a competent review of a book I love... Probably.

The Lady In Blue is basically a companion novel to Grunge Gods and Graveyards, you don't HAVE to have read GG&G to read this one but I'm going to say you'd probably enjoy this just a smidge more if did. Lana Bloom, otherwise known as The Lady In Blue, is dead. She's been dead for a while now, this is the story of her death. This book takes place in two different times, 1996 when Lana is telling her niece Liz her story, trying to remember how she died so she can finally move on. And 1955 when Lana died. The novel is narrated by Lana and shows her life in the week leading to her death.

Everything I Loved About This Book:

- Going into this I had assumed the story would be narrated by Liz- don't ask me why - but it's actually narrated by Lana which I was so excited about.

- Characters. I loved the characters! Especially Lana. She's so much more than The Lady in Blue. However this was a really short book and supposed to be fast paced so it felt like a little character development was lacking, not enough to discourage me from loving it but I kind of wanting a tad more Andrew and Liz. However, this was Lana's story so I kind of understand why there's wasn't an abundance of Liz. Andrew was a little shocking I admit and I liked him just because Lana liked him if for no other reason. Other characters were horrible people but still very well written.

- The ending. I was expecting to feel so much at the end, I'd kind of sort of half figured out who the killer was, it wasn't really a shock(though I did keep going back and forth on who I thought did it) and going in I knew it wouldn't be the happiest of ending because Lana's dead and that's so sad, but I didn't expect to care so much for Lana and the ending was kind of intense. It hit me right in the feels... I cried.

Overall this book has all the things I loved about GG&G, it's short and fast paced, full of rich believable characters and great writing and in the end it packs a nice punch.

Would I Recommend This? Um, yeah.
To Whom? All the people! Just like in my review of GG&G, I want to go up to random strangers and yell at them until they read this book.
Will I read more from this author(or series)? Um, yeah. I'm already looking forward to her other stuff, one of which comes out later this year(I think) even though I know nothing about it I WANT it. =)