A review by wellington299
Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food by Eric Schlosser


Have I heard this before? I wonder how much material was borrowed from Fast Food Nation? I liked that book a lot more - but that was a different time and perhaps, I saw the material for the first time there.

In any case, if you haven't read Fast Food Nation and eat fast food, you should take a gander at this book. Cheap fast food is not cheap nor really food - it is fast though. The cost will hit you in the waistline or the environment. And food only in the sense that you can eat it but it really more chemicals with flavors that mimic food.

Somewhere from these type of books, I learned that eating can be an experience - not just a mindless act of putting things in your stomach. Try to experience food. It'll do your body and soul good.