A review by fourclarkes
All Your Reasons by Nina Levine


Read for ByoB

I read this in the Owned Anthology in anticipation for its individual release. I really enjoyed this short little story. Even though it was quick, it was smoking hot, had enough story, was interesting and has me want more.

Presley is a photographer and Jett is a rock star. Presley doesn't date musicians

"Jett's a rock star and I won't date a rock star ever again. Not after the last one ripped my heart out and left me to bleed tears of heartbreak and regret."

and Jett is tired of fake people who just want a piece of his name.

"Presley's different. I've known her for less than six hours, and I'm already planning our next three dates."

Perfect couple, right?

Presley tries really hard to avoid the ever persistent Jett and she fails miserably. He knows what he wants and he is planning on nothing stopping him from having it. His persistence and Presley's attempts to evade are really quite enjoyable. There is an undeniable attraction there and I think "everyone should have a Jett."

I like that they both come from normal and while there are things that mess them up, those things are from their own life experiences. Presley falls quickly and just wants to be someone's number one, but if fearful that Jett just talks a good talk. Her failed marriage has her scared and I can't wait to see what is in store for these two. Their story is not over and I plan to thoroughly enjoy what is next. We also meet a few band members that I can hope will have their own stories unfold over the next number of books.