A review by traumadumper98
She Walks in Shadows by


The three stories that really stood out to me were The Thing on the Cheerleading Squad by Molly Tanzer, The Cypress God by Rodopi Sisamis, and De Deabus Minoribus Exterioris Theomagicae by Jilly Dreadful.

I also enjoyed Cthulhu of the Dead Sea by Inkeri Kontro, The Eye of Juno by Eugenia Mora, and Hairwork by Gemma Files.

The illustrations in this book were a nice touch.

I’ve never read anything Lovecraft-related before, so this was a new and interesting experience for me. Some of the inspirations and references were probably (and regrettably) lost on me. I bought it because I saw Silvia Morena-Garcia was an editor, and that was enough for me to take a crack at it.

Overall, a solid read. I don’t usually read short stories, and I appreciated the wide variety of tales it included. It’s a good way to discover new authors!