A review by rosie_khan
Free Trade Under Fire by Douglas A. Irwin


Read for my Government class, Politics of International Trade.

Irwin has a clear pro-free trade tilt, but this book was good at explaining why anti-trade arguments aren't effective or beneficial overall. I disagree with the author on some points, especially his claim that the 'race to the bottom' doesn't exist, and with his use of the common "1.25 dollars a day" metric to define poverty (it's harmfully simple! the bar is too low! cost of living varies across time and space, duh!) but I do feel more educated about the intricacies of trade policy now. I also appreciate that Irwin isn't totally extreme; in the conclusion, he writes, "Effective environmental and safety regulations should not be avoided simply because they reduce international trade. The notion that all trade must be kept free at all costs is simply wrong."

TL;DR this book is good food for thought.