A review by mom2three
Bite Me: A Vampire Anthology by Addison Cain

There wasn't one story in this set that I didn't absolutely love, and the fact that they were all of different in levels of dark and light and heat made it even better. On top of that, the way the stories are blended kept the whole thing feeling fresh and exciting. If you are a lover of the fangs than this is a must have!

Cathedral - Addison Cain
Wow! OK, first the warning... This story is to be continued so be aware of that. It's an amazing beginning, and I hope Addison doesn't act the sadist I know she is and releases the book sooner than "soon". One of my favorite things about Addison writing is her broken female characters. They have inner strength, but they are also so damaged. You can't help but want to protect them. She has a way of taking their pain and forcing you to feel it with them. That emotional connection, as well as her beautiful storytelling grab you and keep you glued to the story. I would comment that I can't wait for the next one, but it's never a good idea to expose your weaknesses to a sadist. However, I'm inviting all the masochists to join me in my torturing wait for the rest of this incredible read.

Till the End of Time - Zoe Blake
This is a new take on Vlad the I paler, and it's his wife, Mirella, who is the nemesis. I would characterize this as a horror short. I absolutely loved all the detail and character development in this one. I also really loved the premise of two people who just keep returning to each other throughout the centuries. I'm hopeful that this will be expanded and turned into a full novel. I'm dying to know about all the gory details Mirella and Vlad get into during their never ending lives.

Master of Ceremonies - Alta Hensley
What if the circus was where all the monsters hid in plain site? That's where this one begins. Then it take a sharp turn into darkness and depravity. Ada is an interesting character who somehow had this innocence about her despite all the debauchery she is surrounded with. She is even a willing and eager participant, yet she seems to retain this childlike quality. I can't decide if she is the sheep or one of the shepherds. Either way, I'm entranced.

Enthralled - Myra Danvers
This story is an introduction to Myron, Selma, and Axton, with the story revolving around Axton. He's the vampire Chylde of Selma, who is the Chylde of Myron. The story is dark and violent with hints or more darkness and violence to come. I'm already anxious to get my hands on the rest of this one.

V is for Vampire - Eris Adderly
Hold on tight; its going to be a wild ride. This one is set in the future, but not much of a future I recognized. Vamps have been pushed underground. It's for their protection. November is one such vamp. Leo is her non-vamp counterpoint, guarding the entrance to the underground. They keep the vamps in and the others out. That's all I'm saying... This is a sexy, intense read that will twist you up every which way. There are dangers, secrets, adventure, and tons of sexy scenes. It's also another one that is only the beginning, but what a beginning it is.

Blinding Salvation - Livia Bourne
This story is like a ray of sunshine in the dark. It makes your heart feel light and brings a smile to your face without you even realize you are grinning. Lily and Armand will also get more adventures, so I'm loath to tell you too much. I'll only tell you that this is a fun, sexy read with moments of adventure and threats of danger, and the characters are fantastic.

Devil's Game - Sara Fields
This one isn't so light and happy. This is dark and sexy from beginning to end. So much sexy! Hot, dirty, mind-blowingly sexy. This one actually reads like a dirty quickly, but I would love to see the story expanded. I would also love to know what other games this handsome devil likes to play.

To My End - Anita Grey
OMG! That was another intense read. Even more dark in some ways the Ms. Fields' story. It's total debauchery from beginning to end, and I never wanted it to end. It's a different take on the vampire myth, and not quite what I was expecting, but it was incredible!

Sweet Ruin - Cassandra Faye
This is another fun, sexy read, and another original take on the vampire. There is humor, steamy-ness and enjoyable characters.