A review by pgchuis
A Bad, Bad Thing by Elena Forbes


I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

3.5* rounded down.

DI Eve West is suspended after she seemingly gets a colleague killed, although she knows she was not entirely to blame. Then Duran, a brutal killer she put away years ago asks her to look into the conviction for murder of a fellow inmate Sean 10 years ago. In exchange, he will provide Eve with evidence that she was set up.

I have read and enjoyed the Tartaglia series by this author, but this book is very different. My main issue with it was that there was simply too much going on. There was enough plot for at least one other novel. There is Eve and her suspension, Eve and her mysterious past and original identity, Eve and her reunion with her first love, the mystery of why Eve and he broke up, and the mystery of why Duran wants to help Eve and why he wants to help Sean.

All of that is barely even touching on the parts of the plot dealing with the death of Jane McNeil, whom Sean may or may not have killed. People were tortured, offices were set on fire, there was a sniper, a rape, possible race fixing, a hit and run, a man killed running from the police. It was exhausting and confusing. I didn't really like Eve, although I did quite like Dan, the journalist she worked with on Sean's case. The ending very clearly points to further instalments, but I may not have the energy.