A review by tessiekat
Dance Upon the Air by Nora Roberts


I loved the story and the premise. It was original and sucked me in. However, while it was an adorable and well written book, I struggled with some of the characters, especially the male lead, Zack.

*Sideline Rant*
SpoilerHe knows that she is a battered woman. That she went through some horrors by the hand of a man, even if she hasn't told him, however, he insists that "she will come to enjoy his touch" when she displays FEAR at being touched. He gets pushy with his insistence that they will sleep together. Then, later, when he finds out she faked her death and is still legally married, he gets angry that he slept with a married woman, yells at her for lying to him, calls her stupid, and treats her terribly. Even after hearing about the horrible things her husband did to her, how hard she had to work to escape, he won't touch or kiss her until she is legally divorced. I struggled with that, ALOT. Not only did I not like him as a male lead, I found him annoyingly pushy with her boundaries and I just kept thinking that she could do better. He knows that she is emotionally unstable and needs counseling and he is just piling on the crap for her to handle.
*Rant over*

Nora Robert did build the tension to the obvious confrontation between Nell and her husband wonderfully. He became the boogey man that could pop out at any time and I often found myself holding my breath. I really want to know what happened to Riley to make her not like magic so much, meaning that I will soon be reading the second book in this series, [b:Heaven and Earth|59830|Heaven and Earth (Three Sisters Island, #2)|Nora Roberts|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345222134s/59830.jpg|3153342].

I listened to the Audible Audiobook read by Sandra Burr. I struggled with her voices for several characters. Mia sounded like a 60 year old woman when in fact she turns 30 in the book. Zack's voice was a bit annoying for me as well, but that is probably because I just didn't like him as a character.

Overall, I would suggest it to any Nora Robert's fans, and any fans of men-in-uniform romances, supernatural romances, and romances that include a woman getting her life back together and becoming a stronger woman. I will warn that the topic of spousal abuse is discussed and displayed pretty intensely in the book, and if you struggle with topics like that, it might be one to skip.