A review by jfl
In Another Life by Julie Christine Johnson


Julie Johnson is a Goodreads friend. She was among the first readers/reviewers that I started to follow when I joined Goodreads in 2012. We shared an appreciation for the writings of Tim Winton and I found her reviews of her readings insightful. I also quickly learned that she was an aspiring writer.

In Another Life is her first published novel. She has given us a journey into the past, built around a Gnostic revival known as Catharism and its followers who lived in the southern region of France, a region known as Languedoc. The action shifts between 1208 and present day. It is a fanciful work--a type of magical realism and historical whodunit.

The story easily engages the reader. Julie gives us a new world largely unknown but certainly intriguing. And she envelops that newness in a style that is, for the most part, natural and flowing.

Great to see that Julie is actively moving ahead with new works.