A review by terminalfin
And God Created Zombies by Andrew Hook, Sarah Pinborough



So, my wife received a copy of the audiobook edition of this story in exchange for a review. She has already left her review and she then told me I had to listen to it. I did so and I was not let down.

What an interesting tale that puts a nice twist on the zombie genre and has an ending that will leave you contemplating everything you understand. I will not spoil it as my wife did for me (I knew the ending going in, kinda, but it still shocked me as to how it played out).

This story left me in an existential thought process that lasted for the better part of an hour. Yes, this story is about zombies, and like me you will likely find yourself with many questions, just as our protagonist had throughout the story. Joe is met with challenge after challenge which culminates in the arrival of zombies, something he thought was made up by man kind, and turns his world upside down even more than it already is.

This was a quick listen (just under four hours in audio format) and I would gladly listen to it again. Be prepared for a story that reminds me of "The Egg" by Andy Weir. Very well done!