A review by magikspells
The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima


I'm so angry!! But not in the way you think, I'm angry I have to wait to find out how this story concludes. I really have to stop getting into a series unless it's already complete, the wait is killer.

But ALAS! There's something different about the way Chima tells stories and I like it. I don't feel its the formulaic this happens, then this happens, then this, etc. It's hard to describe, but it's got me hooked.

And I can honestly say I think this is the first book I've read in a while when I actually liked the main love interest connection. Come on, Raisa and Han are awesome. But I still have a soft spot for Micah and his scheming. I guess I'll just have to wait for October now. le sigh.