A review by intoastory
Twisted Fate by Norah Olson


2-3 Stars

So...the ARC copy I received seemed to need a LOT more revisions. Some of the POV's felt wrong, and I don't mean in the way they were meant to feel wrong. (There is an entire chapter that is supposed to be from one woman's POV in first person, & then it switches over to the girl's POV in third person! WTF?)

This has a twist ending that I guessed after some confusing chapters. There are LOTS of hints. While reading, I thought...no this can't be, and flipped back through the pages checking. But yes, I was right.

The writing wasn't great, far far from it, and the characters felt flat. Much of the book felt rather unrealistic. Very little detail. And there was too much foreshadowing. It kind of felt like the whole book was like "if only i had known then..."

But I still didn't think it was AS bad as all the one star reviews it's getting. I read it very quickly because I wanted to know what happened. It entertained me. I thought all the different points of view were annoying, but somewhat necessary. Sure, maybe it didn't need ALL of them, from every character in the book! Ha.

I think the author had a good idea, it just wasn't executed well. It kind of felt like a rough, first draft to me. I've studied psychology and I wouldn't say this is very accurate.

But I'd take a psychological thriller, even a mediocre one, over some of the garbage that's out there now...any day.