A review by romankurys
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis


I feel kinda sad downrating this book after seeing so many giving it 4 and 5 stars.

I just cannot rate it any more then an average 3.
It really felt like an average book. Actually probably on the underwhelming end of average, only the name of Narnia keeps me from dropping this to 2 stars.

Characters: 3.
Nothing stood out to me here. Characters kinda just did their thing, chugging through the story in a sluggish manner. Earth kids I didn't care about...just kept waiting for Pavensie's to make an appearance.
While it was kinda cool to see anther Witch and her new stronghold, it just did not feel AWESOME. It felt O.K.
The best character of the whole book, I felt was Puddleglum. I can't getting sucked into the story anytime he spoke. The rest....blah.

Plot: 3
Ok. So plot overall is ok, considering it is a kids book after all. It's just that I expected more hidden religious messages, since it's fun for me to decipher hidden meanings and I didn't feel this book really had enough to keep an adult interested. Again an ok plot, had me going for awhile, but nothing special. The Knight in the Armor was a highlight I believe as it made me think and guess. Rest of it is pretty straight forward.

Setting: 2
I really, really cannot stand Lewis's premise that prohibits you from entering Narnia when you get too old to go there. At least in the Neverland everyone was kids and unless you were a kid you couldn't go there. That seemed disappointing but fair. This is just angering. Why can't Earth adults go to Narnia? Peter and Susan and Lucy and Edmund grew old there once in the first book. So it's ok to be an adult in Narnia...but if you're an adult from Earth wanting to sneak a peak...that's a no-no?

Argh!!!!!!! Me No Like!

I will read the next part, because...well, I can't. It read it after having read the first 4. That would just be blasphemy.

Roman "Ragnar"