A review by desiree_mcl
Crystal Cove by Lisa Kleypas


3.5 stars.

4 stars for the story. 2.5 stars for the romance.

As always I was sucked right into the story. Lisa Kleypas is fantastic at keeping me engaged and making me want to turn the page. While the story kept me interested, the actual romance was luke warm at best.

Justine is the owner (or one of the owners) of a bed and breakfast. Justine is also a natural born witch who wants a normal life or as normal as she can have being a witch. Jason Black is rich, a well known video game designer, and he doesn't have a soul but he knows what he wants and he'll stop at nothing to get it.

Justine discovers that there has been a spell/curse placed upon her and she does a spell to get rid of it. She's tired of being lonely and the spell is keeping her alone.

Now Jason is staying at the bed and breakfast for a deal with Alex that was mentioned in the previous book Dream Lake. However there is something else that brings Jason to Friday Harbor, Justine's spellbook.

This should be a hot, spellbinding, and magical romance. Jason and Justine's chemistry should have been flying off the page but I didn't feel much in the way of sparks. Jason liked Justine almost immediately, Justine liked him too fairly quickly. The only two problems they seemed to have was the curse on men who witches fall in love with and the fact that Jason was initially there to steal/borrow her spellbook.

Which is another thing that I had some issue with, Jason didn't seem all that sorry that he stole something precious to Justine. Yes it was shown that he didn't let the book out of his sight but there wasn't enough or clear enough remorse for me. And lastly although Jason was a bit possessive and protective I never got that feeling that he was in love with Justine. He said he was but I never got that feeling. Which is so sad because LK can and has many times before taken me on wonderful journey's of adventure, romance, and love but here it was rather tepid.

I was rather surprised about the massive amount of witches and magic that was put in this novel. While we've had the mention of fairies in the first book, then we had Lucy being able to change glass into living things in book 2, and in book 3 there was a ghost. All of those I didn't mind and I enjoyed the light touches of the paranormal but in Crystal Cove it was just a bit too much. I love paranormal romance but here it seemed like too much, it was just a touch here and there it was saturated with it.

Crystal Cove is a good read. The plot is good and I liked the characters but the lack of chemistry and romantic moments made me lower the rating a bit.