A review by carmenere
Miss Jane by Brad Watson


After the death of their youngest child the Chisholm's, thinking they were well past their fertile years, gave birth to a beautiful blue eyed baby. Dr. Thompson hesitates on proclaiming the baby's sex but believes it is a girl. The difficulty in giving Baby Jane a sex concerns the fact she was born with a genital birth defect which will never allow her to fulfill, what in the early 20th century, was a woman's duty to have children or even be intimate with a man. That's not all. The defect also has some very unacceptable social taboos which leave her unable to go to school or keep friends. For a very brief time, Jane fell in love with the neighbor boy and in a Cinderella like period of time she dances, flirts and acts like her infliction does not even exist. But it does and when reality returns, young Jane learns how to live with her problems and shield them as best she can or use them to her advantage when need be. Her soulmate through life are not her disgruntled parents nor her freedom seeking sister but the doctor who brought her into this world. He taught her about life and peacocks and love. A beautiful story which is based on the authors family. Touching and well written.