A review by bookishbek
The Night Ends With Fire by K.X. Song


A Mulan retelling?  Sign me up!

Meilin is a young woman stuck in a life that she didn't choose for herself.  In order to escape, she disguises herself as a man and enlists in the war in her opium-addicted father's place.  Determined to prove herself worthy of being in the army, despite her small stature, she trains harder and longer.  As she continues to train and fight, she learns more about the ancient magic of the kingdoms - and her own connection to it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this adult fantasy from K.X. Song.  I liked Meilin a lot.  She had a lot of flaws, but underneath, she truly is loyal to the people she loves.  And while I am not typically fond of the love triangle trope, I liked how it was done in this book.
I thought the magic system was unique, but not overly complicated, which I personally appreciated.  The book had pretty good pacing overall.  It is the first book in a series, so there are definitely loose ends, but I thought that it did wrap up nicely.

 Definitely recommend. 

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC.  All opinions are my own.