A review by themaliciousreader
Defensive Mindset by Wendy Temple


I was provided a Reviewer Copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jessie is a football player, she’s extremely friendly, almost annoyingly so. The best way to describe her would be prim and proper. Fran is her opposite. She’s got tattoos and piercings everywhere. She’s an addict and an alcoholic. Fran’s also very closed off and barely speaks.
When the two first meet on the field, on the last game of the season, they don’t exactly get along. Fran gets handsy while defending and Jessie gets pissed and slaps her.
Jessie takes an immediate dislike to her but then tries to sort it out when Fran gets signed by her club. Shit then gets complicated.

The book started out ok, a bit conventional, maybe. It felt like another love story I’ve read times and times before but it was still entertaining. I was mostly enjoying it. But as things escalated, the connection between the two main characters didn’t feel genuine anymore. For example, Jessie first mentions she’s in love with Fran to a third party but the two of them haven’t even had a real conversation yet… How can you be in love with someone you barely know?
At some point in the book, some of the dialogues seemed weird to me, they didn’t seem like what anyone would actually say. Idk... It’s just that for a big part of the book, I found myself rolling my eyes a lot and I had a hard time getting back into the story afterwards.
It didn’t help that I didn’t really connect with the two main characters. They were fine I guess but, sadly, I didn’t fall for either of them….
Honestly, this would have usually been a lower rating than 3 stars but I rounded up because it’s set in Edinburgh and Edinburgh is the best city in the world and everything set there deserves a chance.