A review by lexythebookworm_
Mi Hermana Rosa by Justine Larbalestier


3 ⭐️

It wasn't as much of a thriller as I thought it would be, to be honest. The novel is mostly about Che, a 17 years old teenager, who has a strong passion for boxing and falls in love with a girl. The plot is mainly about his day to day normal life, with a narrative about his psycopath 10 years old sister playing on the background as an extra something. I would have liked that story line to be the main one and I think it would have been much more interesting that way. There is a big reveal and cliff-hanger that makes the book a bit better towards the end but I don't think it really makes it much more exciting.
I didn't love this book and I honestly had great expectations of it. I didn't hate it either since it's a very light and easy read which will probably take you no more than 3 days. So if you want something relaxed with a little action, but not too much, to get by, this is a book for you. If you're expecting a thriller with big reveals and cliff-hangers that make you turn every page wondering what's gonna happen next, then I wouldn't recommend you this one.