A review by darkcrystal1839
Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray


This book wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it was good nevertheless. A great fictionalized biography of a pretty impressive woman - the daughter of Cleopatra. A woman not generally thought of or remembered by most, but she was pretty influential. I really enjoyed reading the author's note about Cleopatra Selene and her importance in history. The book itself is heavily imagined, but still extremely entertaining. It wasn't written like most teen books nowadays, but was full of substance and depth that really fleshed out the main character. She finds herself in an impossible situation and it's interesting to read through her thought processes about how to survive. Sometimes it was a little annoying to hear her seemingly give up at times, and she did seem to flip flop between defiant and subservient, but hearing her inner thoughts through the entire story really helped those moments along.

All in all, a good story. I'd read the sequel to find out more about the life of this interesting person.