A review by silverneurotic
Cataract City by Craig Davidson


I won this book a few months ago with my old Goodreads account, but due to the backlog of books I had...it took awhile to read it, especially as I ended up deleted my account at a Goodreads soon after receiving this.

I had no idea what to expect with this book. I hadn't read any books by the author prior to this and when I finally picked it up...I was a bit apprehensive as I noticed a blurb by Chuck Paluniunk and figured that this was definitely going to be one of those kinds of books...you know, a book that you probably shouldn't eat while reading and forget about reading right before trying to sleep...

To my relief though, this book was not one long shock fest. Sure, there were a few instances in the book that I felt my stomach clench up in disgust by blood and gore...it was a surprisingly great coming of age book reminiscent of say, Stephen King's The Body (aka Stand by Me). I truly was impressed.