A review by indiekay
Set the Record Straight by Hannah Bonam-Young


Holiday Romance Readathon 2023: 24
3.5 stars

I didn't love this one - and that might just be because I'm burnt out on holiday romances at this point in the month. I did really like how the main characters have autism and ADHD respectively, and I liked their time with Clara's parents, but this fell flat in the fake-dating aspect for me.

The fake dating is barely a plot point. They decide they're going to fake date to two events, but after 1 go at faking it in front of Clara's colleague, they end up having sex that night, long before either of the events they were suppose to go to, and then basically just kind of move in together. And this happens VERY early in the story. By the time they go to the events they're already fully dating, and the events are very short blink-and-you'll-miss-it scenes in the book.