A review by amanova
The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld


I thoroughly enjoyed this "summer mystery read" that I picked up on a book swap table in our first apartment in Paphos. It is intelligent and licentious, clever and outrageous, historical with obvious fictionality.

I'm not well studied on Freud or Jung (my main connections to them have been via lit crit), but I think their characters and positions were portrayed in an interesting way, and felt familiar but fresh. I particularly liked the author (and protagonist's) interest in Shakespeare, especially Hamlet and the connection to psychoanalysis and the crime(s). Good stuff. Well written, and there is something fascinating about New York in the early 1900s. Not to mention the criticism of America, and how what happened in the past still influences today. See esp. Freud's comments on America as well as the neurologists comments on psychoanalysis.