A review by nadine_booklover
The Legend by Dylan Allen


4.5 stars

"Every time we kiss, I feel weightless. Like if he wasn't holding onto me, I'd defy gravity and fly away."

After reading The Legacy I was so damn curious about Remi and his lost love which made me so excited for The Legend. And I must say, Dylan Allen delivered once again a story that warms your heart, has your heart in knots, breaks it and puts it back together even more beautifully.

"She's a siren whose call is pitched perfectly for me."

Remi and Kal are so wonderful together! I loved how this book started and showed us how the young love blossomed over one summer. I fell for both and I fell hard. And so my heart broke in thousand pieces, when Remi broke Kal's heart. The angst that was woven into the pages turned this cute beautiful young love into an angsty page-turner. Those star-crossed lovers make your pulse race with hope and wishes on how everything should turn out.

"Even in the ways that we are flawed, we are each other's perfects."

The Legend is a beautiful second chance romance about two star-crossed lovers that pulls all your emotional strings. A story about love, loss and a happily ever after that makes you swoon along every line.

Let me close this review with this beautiful quote right from the beginning of the book, which is also the perfect description for The Legend:
"The Legend is a love story. But it's also a cautionary tale. It tells you to love deeply, believe in happily ever after, but don't try to live anyone's life but your own. That will be your undoing. All legends are lies. Make your own truth"