A review by debrakelsey
Liar by Lia Fairchild


Sexual tension, party of 2. I was SO excited to get into Daniel’s mind in this second book. We love a dual POV. And Alyssa? UGH, my heart for that girl. I just adored watching her relationship grow with Gray and Daniel. This books ties up everything from the first one, but also gives us more of everything. More romance. More backstory. More questions. More angst. More plot twists. I was already invested from Compulsive, but this pulled me in and didn’t let go. It didn’t disappoint!

I don’t want to spoil the twists, but they really got me. Keeping up with Gray, Daniel, Alyssa, and Nathan was too antagonizing to stop. So yes, I blew through this in one sitting and I’m writing this review at 1 AM (better than 3 AM, yeah?).

I was so proud of Gray and everything she worked through. Once again - props to the representation for a realistic mental health battle. I really appreciated the raw experience of what it takes to work through grief and loss. There’s so much that comes with feeling that deeply alone and against the world, running from your inner demons. It can feel impossible to overcome or ask for help. This story is incredibly emotional. It’s such a genuine experience and I highly recommend reading it!