A review by peytonktracy
Wilderness Days by Jennifer L. Holm


Ah, Boston Jane. I loved this series so much as a kid. They're so endearing for how stubborn she is, and how adorably stupid she can be. ("Jane, he loves you, you absolute blockhead," is something I repeated to myself approximately 700 times in the first 100 pages.) What I really appreciate about the writing though is that it's totally from her perspective so while it's obvious to the reader why a character might react the way they are, Jane's only telling it like she sees it. I remember from reading it as a kid that her "unreliable-ness" as a narrator was very validating and easy to empathize with. The adventure in this one didn't resound with me the same way her settling in the first one did, but I still enjoyed it a lot. Can't wait to continue on to read the third!