A review by rogue_lurker
Falling by Kris Bryant



Kris Bryant is on my list of authors whose books I'll automatically pick up - she's an adept writer whose romances just draw you in. Falling did not disappoint. If you're looking for a well written romance this is the book for you.

I had a few moments of indecision on whether I wanted to read the book now - especially with the recent events with the Max 737. The first few pages of the book were particularly harrowing but it didn't feel exploitative of the inherent horror and tragedy of a crash. In fact, Bryant doesn't go the easy route and ratchet up the angst by focusing a story around Shaylie's recovery, survivor's guilt, etc. Instead, Bryant focuses on the changes Shaylie makes and her moving forward with her life and friendships - including the burgeoning relationship with Piper.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and the characters, including Shaylie's bestie, Marisa, and the big lug of a cowboy, Jason. A slightly cheesy ending - but who doesn't like a little cheese in their happy endings (that is not a spoiler ... romances are expected to have happy endings or they'd be considered boring literature)

As this is a first person narration, there were aspects of Piper that weren't fully fleshed out or addressed - I'd like to have gotten a better feel for her and how she was dealing with everything, but that's one of the drawbacks of first person narration.