A review by bookcheshirecat
Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire

adventurous emotional mysterious fast-paced


"The door wasn’t there because you have any obligations left to these people, or this world. It was there because sometimes people can’t let go of who they thought we were, and so they keep trying to tangle us in nets and drag us back. That doesn’t mean we have to go. Or if we do go, that doesn’t mean we have to stay."

 I received a digital Arc from Netgalley and Tor in exchange for an honest review! The quotes are taken from the Arc and are subject to changes! 

Mislaid in Parts Half-Known is a direct sequel to Lost in the Moment and Found! It follows Antsy as she settles into Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children following the events of the previous book. Antsy's still struggling with the years that have been stolen from her, as she's not the age she looks like and is scared everyone else will notice.  Luckily, she's got new friends on her side, including Cora, Christopher, Kaede and Sumi! I really liked seeing them again and loved how they were looking out for Antsy all this time. She might be able to find the doors - as she's got a knack for finding lost things - and in a school full of people desperate to go back to their worlds, this could cause a lot of problems.

The main theme of the book is breaking the cycle of abuse and hurt! I liked how the author picked Antsy's story back up and had her face the Shop of Lost Things again, including the shopkeeper who stole all these years from her. Anty's adamant that her successor should make an informed choice about whether to open the doors, as they cost time every time you open them. Vineta is still using young children and trying to justify it by saying that she didn't have it any better. There's a big emphasis on being hurt in the past not being an excuse to do the same to someone else. Having suffered doesn't mean you can inflict pain on others - Antsy knows this better than anyone.

"Those travellers learned not only what it meant to be mislaid, but what it meant to become so fundamentally and foundationally unanchored from who they had originally been that they could no longer find their way back to that person."

The novella sadly felt a bit unfocused and all over the place. I much preferred Lost in the Moment and Found and Where the Drowned Girls Go, as they had a clear goal. In the beginning, there was even another antagonist who wanted to use Antsy's powers but they quickly got dropped and their story got wrapped up so quickly in the end. There's also a time skip right in the beginning, as the events of Where the Drowned Girls Go take place, which felt a bit jarring. The actual dinosaur world that's depicted on the cover only gets a small amount of page time and I wish we'd seen a novella completely about it because Stephanie was a great character and her world so interesting. It feels a bit misleading to have the dinosaur on the cover since it's not what the story is about.
I'm also sad that we'll probably never get a novella about Kaede, as the biggest part about his character - facing Prism after it threw him out for being trans - is used here. I liked seeing this conflict about Kaede being forced back into the world that rejected him, but I'm so sad it was barely explored because the story had its focus elsewhere. I wish this had gotten some proper attention and not been thrown into this novella.

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