A review by corymojojojo
The Many-Coloured Land by Julian May


I was really excited to start this series, I’ve heard great things and I even ordered the whole set before starting, and while I was by no means disappointed, it wasn’t as great as I was anticipating. The main issue is that it didn’t suck me in very quickly. I enjoyed the first half of the book, but with so many characters to keep track of—every chapter feels like it introduces a new character for the first 60 pages—and May’s complex vocabulary, it was a slow start. At about the halfway point, though, things clicked and I got properly swept up into the epic story (and as it turns out this is really just an incomplete part 1 to a longer story, many characters introduced are not even addressed until book 2).

The Saga of the Pliocene Exile is arguably more fantasy than science fiction, especially considering I have a hard time categorizing anything focused on psychic abilities as sci-fi, but there is some excellent creativity at play here, involving time travel, ancient aliens, space ships, all set 6 million years ago during the Pliocene epoch during an epic war between two factions. Overall I didn’t enjoy it as much as I was hoping, but it’s still got some great things going for it, and there’s a lot more story to read in the next three books. I’m looking forward to it.