A review by tawallah
Inventory by Dionne Brand


This poetry collection challenges our numbness to tragic deaths in our world. Primarily those in the Middle East, which the news has desensitized us to the fact that people have died. And continue to dead. Ms. Brand also touches on natural disasters, tsunami and famine. It is grim. She quotes music by Nina Simone, Bob Dylan, James Brown and the poet Pablo Neruda.

It is relentless in forcing us to see lives and how entertainment has made us shallow and uncaring. But it offers a few glimpses of hope, kinda. I think I understood the content of this collection but an acclaimed poet. It is a great read but the latter portion was less illuminating personally. In the end, the problem is me. I don’t mind being awaken from my slumber. But I need some hope, too bleak for my tastes.