A review by bemmajemmy
Right Man, Right Time by Meghan Quinn


I don’t remember a lot of this book. I know they were fake dating so she could write her article about sports specifically hockey. Because her her nemesis at work gave her that article knowing she knew nothing about hockey. This nemesis is also now dating her ex which is why she kissed our hockey player in the bar. I like they had an age gap it was kind of fun. I can’t remember like their whole romance. I know he like brought her some stuff or sent her some stuff to her dorm room when she was cold which was sweet. And he was very protective of her, but I can’t remember anything else and I just remember the end , when the article comes out and then it has info about his ex who like cheated on him, hadn’t told anyone, but told her. And she had accidentally sort of revealed her best friend and then stopped herself and felt horrible and was like on the verge of tears and her friend was like don’t worry I won’t say anything . And he didn’t. But the nemesis overheard and changed article so our main guy felt betrayed again and broke it off with her. And then him trying to get her back was so good. I remember that she had like moved. And our guy thought she had moved on like with another guy and he was devastated . And I was like, yeah that’s what you get. For not listening to her and believing her. But he works so hard to get her back and published an article. Basically professing his love to her. And then showing up and her being like OK yeah I’ll come back. Which again I wanted her to make him sweat a little bit. But it was really sweet. But I’m so mad. I can’t remember the relationship like they definitely went to a party together and I remember her meeting like the other girls and like instantly fitting in. Damn I’m mad. I’m mad I didn’t write this right away, so sorry but whatever 4.5 stars