A review by stellagramina
Bride, Bought and Paid For by Helen Bianchin

I had this as part of a Harlequin bundle that I bought a few years ago, and I read it (re-read it?) recently. It’s pretty forgettable and formulaic, do I’m not surprised that I can’t remember if I’d read it before. I’ve read several of this type of romance. There’s a beautiful innocent who is with a super rich and powerful playboy. They break up because of a dumb misunderstanding and then get back together when she comes asking him for money because her brother/sister/dad ran their family to the ground. He says yes on the condition that they shack up or get married for some dumb reason. They fall in love for real. It’s pretty ridiculous and full of Pretty Woman nonsense like fancy cars, en suites, and jets which she always resists at first because she’s not a gold digger. I’ve read a few that are actually pretty sexy (albeit) ridiculous, but this one left me pretty cold and disbelieving.