A review by sarrie
Unwept by Tracy Hickman, Laura Hickman


As posted on The Bibliophile's Diary

My experience with the Hickmans was Dragonlance, one of the first fantasy series I made very sad attempts to follow. The world was huge, and I loved it! I haven't ventured much back into those worlds recently but I never had any complaints about the Hickmans at the time, so when I spotted this beauty on NetGalley I quickly sent out a request.
I don't know what I expected, but I surely did not get what I expected. I don't even know what to tell anyone else to expect. I made a rather hysterical attempt at explaining and conveying to my roommate who also read Dragonlance as kid why she should read this. I mostly end up waving my arms around and sighing. Ellis wakes up on a train within the first few pages of the book, she's on her way to a city called Gamin to recover from a mysterious illness or trauma. Even from the beginning of the book you wonder if maybe perhaps we have an unreliable narrator. Ellis has no memory of how she got on the train, why she is on the train, or memories of the people who claim to be loved ones she meets. The most clearest recollection she has of the city and it's town are scattered memories and a fondness and comfort she feels with her cousin.
Throughout the first maybe 40% of the book I spent vaguely confused and not at all convinced of it. It's a slow start, and very strange. It seems that over and over the individuals she knew before she left Gamin originally expect her to remember odd things. Things like scrapbooks and relationships, ships and plays. You distinctly get the feeling that Ellis now is very, very different from Ellis before. You also begin to wonder just how sane everyone else is.
In the end it becomes... intense, the world and everyone in it seems to flip and honestly it took me by surprise. I expected maybe a slightly paranormal mystery, which is not what I got. But I loved what I got. The ride, the confusion, it kept me going. I remember looking up at my husband and wailing that I had no idea what was happening but I could not stop! I had to find the answers, and I was not disappointed. But the answers did somewhat disturb...
I would recommend this to a fantasy, paranormal, and maybe even a horror lover. The twist at the end really makes it unique and the next book in this series is an insta-buy for me if I don't get to a review copy. This was an insta-buy, I've already pre-ordered my hardcover.