A review by redhairedashreads
Give Up the Ghost by Jenn Burke


5 stars - I loved it!

This book picks up a few months after the first book ends. Hudson and Wes have opened their own private investigation business, Caballero Investigations, and have a steady stream of customers now. But not everything is perfect because Hudson is determined to avoid paranormal cases and Wes is struggling to contain his newly changed magic. 

This was another wonderful and action packed mystery for Hudson and Wes. There are strange magical occurrences around the city, Wes’s ghostly ex appearing; a haunted LGBTQ shelter, and Wes’s uncontrollable magic. It was a lot but Burke does a wonderful job at weaving all these elements together without overwhelming or losing the plot. I really enjoyed the whole concept of this mystery and the new dangers the gang faced. 

The growth in Hudson and Wes’s relationship was wonderful in this one. Even though promises are made both Wes and Hudson are still struggling with fully trusting each other and we see them have a pretty big fight about it. I will admit, for the first half of this book I was a bit angry at Wes for failing to communicate with Hudson about his new abilities and his bad decisions afterwards but I really love how it all played out in the end. Wes’s character growth was phenomenal and it was great seeing him let go of his more selfish tendencies. 

Like the first book, I found myself loving the secondary characters even more. Lexi, Evan and Isk were all great friends and coworkers. They are so supportive and love everyone just as they are. This is just a wonderful found family that just enriches the world and makes me want stories focusing on the side characters. 

Overall, this was a truly wonderful sequel with a very emotional ending. I can’t wait to read the last book and see how Wes and Hudson’s story ends. 

CW: Evan is struggling with depression; homomisia; Wes uses his magic to influence another person's thoughts; suicide (not on of the main characters); drug use mentioned; injuries and hospital stay;