A review by justinkhchen
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall


5 stars

A beautifully articulated queer romance that's completely worthy of its length, A Lady for a Duke feels like an old-school historical romance in the best way possible, with its lyrical writing, the near-obsessed dedication to capture every single emotional nuances, and the sense of sweeping scope and place.

I don't think I've read any new HR release that devotes this much page count in decoding an evolving relationship dynamic, as well as the psychological impact on the parties involved (the only comparable one I can think of is Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale); the commitment wholeheartedly pays off as I was left wanting more after the epilogue wrapped up (which by the way was extremely joyful and poignant).

A Lady for a Duke takes the best of old and new: classically crafted in scope with a progressive premise and ideology; yes, one can argue it's a little bloated plot-wise surrounding its secondary characters, but nothing can be categorized as a meaningless filler. This feels like a 'director cut' of an already epic story with all the trimmings—do not rush through it and enjoy the journey.

**This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Much appreciated!**