A review by lgpiper
Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary


So, while I was off to Queens visiting my 5-week old granddaughter, Ramona, I figured I should continue reading up on what the future holds for her and me.

In this book, Ramona is in first grade, no longer a "kindergarten baby", but a "big girl". Well, there's additional interest here, my grandson, Anderson is in first grade. Might he be having some of the same issues as Ramona (in the book)? He's smart and imaginative, like Ramona (in the book), but he also has his own ideas as to what does and does not make sense.

What I learned from this book is that life can be difficult for kids in the first grade: they're still figuring things out. In some ways life is similarly difficult for babies, like my Ramona: she doesn't have language so that people can tell her how things work. She has to figure it all out on her own (just as Anderson had to do seven years ago).

The take away is that kids are awesomely inventive, like Ramona (in the book), my Ramona, and my Anderson. They do get it all figured out in the end, even if there be dragons (i.e. bumps in the road).