A review by lucillemeeps
Accomplice by Eireann Corrigan


I'm currently in my last year of high school, and in the next month, I will have submitted my applications to University. I know that Canada is nowhere near as competitve as the US when it comes to Univeristy, but it is still a lot of pressure. So i feel like I was at the perfect point to read this book, because I could relate to the girls, and even though their plan was completely insane and selfish, i felt like I could understand where they were coming from.
Chloe and Finn are honour roll students who are concerned that it just isn't enough. They decide that to really stand out to a university, they need to be something extraordinary. They need to be someone that everybody knows. So they decide to fake an abduction. Chloe will 'go missing,' and Finn will be the heroic friend that finds her. At first, it seems simple. They have everything meticulously planned down to a tee.
Then things start to get complicated. Finn is guilt-ridden over the pain that she is causing people and all of the lies that she tells. She second guesses the plan, but Chloe continues to push her. Things get heated when a local boy is pulled in as a suspect, when Finn knows very well that he is innocent, but cannot prove it without incriminating herself.
I love the conflicts that grow in this book, and all that I wish is that we could have seen more of the aftermath. You could almost have a whole second book about what comes after the last page.
This story wasn't what i expected. When the jacket cover said that there would be complications, i thought that Chloe was actually going to be kidnapped or murdered, but it was more about the psychological aspects of what the girls did, and I think that it was very well written. There are some parts that were a bit unbelievable, but overall, it was a very interesting and entertaining read.