A review by karen_the_baroness
Summer Snoops Unleashed by Fiona Quinn, Lisa B. Thomas, Kim Hunt Harris, Susan Boles, Chelsea Thomas, Maria Grazia Swan, Colleen Mooney, Anna Celeste Burke, Emily Selby, Judith Lucci, Kelly Hashway


I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Summer Snoops


Montage to go with Summer Snoops first chapters link

My reviews of the first three Summer Snoops Unleashed Books

The Most Glittery Crime of the Year by Judith Lucci. The first book's mystery and the added history are a hit. I could have done without LauraLea's bickering, but I like being in Lily's head. Oh and wine slushies, why have I never heard of that? Those have to be the biggest hit ever. Although, my favorite is Vino the wine dog. Yes, he drinks wine. They even have a sign up like "don't feed the animals" except their sign reads "don't give our dog wine.' Super sweet. 


Radical Regatta! by Anna Celeste Burke is a fabulous cozy mystery with a couple as sleuths. The local police detective calls them Gidget and Moondoggie because he is a surfer and she is learning to surf. This book not only has a dog named Archie but also a parrot named Pepe who is multilingual. The dog and the parrot play together and are the best of friends. I enjoyed the way the couple worked together and watched each other's backs. 


Fireworks, Forensics, and Felonies by Colleen Mooney is a great story with another couple crime-fighting duo. This story is different but I also enjoyed it. The whole part about not wanting to tell your mom you are engaged was pretty hilarious. I like the added lawyer side along with the friends on the force aspect. 


If I have time I will add to these reviews. You never know when you can fit in a quick summer read. This is for a good cause and $0.99 for 14 books is a steal. Make sure you pop over and pick up your copy of Summer Snoops Unleashed. I know the sun is shining out there and what a great summer read. 

Oh, and don't forget there are recipes for your furbabies too.

Summer Snoops Unleashed pet cookbook


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Ends: July 29, 2019

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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed my review of Summer Snoops Unleashed: 14 Furr-ocious Mysteries and Cozy Crimes.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove