A review by sara18
Due Justice by Diane Capri


There was no amazing amateur-detective work that solved the case - the clues were handed to her and she withheld them from the cops. And she risked her job (and license to practice law) basically the entire book. At what point does it go from "I always have to save Carly" to "maybe I should save myself, too?"
I'm only giving it 3 stars because the story was well-paced and I couldn't figure out the killer before the end.

Other complaints:
Willa's complaints about the keeping-up-with-the-Jones attitude of Tampa society - sure, it's nice when someone leaves you a mortgage-free house and you're already driving high-end cars. And don't have kids to send to private school
The comments about Priscilla's weight, and the wondering how long she'd have to run to work off the calories from the cookies. Just enjoy the cookie! It added nothing to the story and made me wonder if the author even noticed the similarity between those comments as compared to Morgan's rant about how women will do anything to look beautiful