A review by misterjay
Rumble Tumble by Joe R. Lansdale


Another Hap and Leonard novel, another blood soaked adventure through the wilds of East Texas with bits of Oklahoma and Mexico thrown in for good measure. This time, Hap and Leonard are off to track down and rescue Tilly, the wayward daughter of Hap's girlfriend. A working prostitute, Tilly has indicated that she'd like to leave the life but her pimp and his goons are reluctant to let her do so. Hap and Leonard ride to the rescue.

As always, the author let's conversations between Hap and Leonard handle any and all characterization while the action points carry the story. There are several monologues that introduce the new characters in the book and, unlike previous novels, where new characters might serve to set up the next novel, there are so few left alive at the end of this one that that seems unlikely. So we're given a lot of exposition in the form of speeches to cover over the fact that there is just a lot of waiting and then gunfire carrying the story.

None of this is bad, just a bit more of the same from what we've already seen. I didn't feel like there were any new real developments that could lead to a sense of continuity in the series. Instead, this seems almost as if it is a detour from the standard series arc we've already been presented with.