A review by jessbookishlife
The Scoundrel's Bartered Bride: A Regency Historical Romance by Virginia Heath


By now, and after more than ten books written by Virginia Heath that I have read, I assume you all know how much I love this author's writing and storytelling. Still, I'm naive, because every time I start one of Virginia Heath's new books I think to myself "Will she surprise me with this story?" I'm saying I'm naive because I still ask that, as if ten-plus books later and getting surprised every time wasn't enough to know I WILL BE SURPRISED!

Okay, I know you are possibly questioning my sanity by now, but let me tell you something so you understand why I loved this book.

When I first started my journey through the wonderful genre of Historical Romances, I fell in love with it thanks to three authors, one of which was Virginia Heath. It was thanks to her and other lovely ladies that write this genre that I found that I enjoyed tropes more than I thought about. One of those tropes was the "Marriage of Convenience".

In this book we have that exact trope. As we follow Lady Lydia Barton and her impending arranged marriage, through the romance scenes and all the tension that makes my heart fill with excitement, I fell in love with the characters.

I was very invested in the story from start to finish, wanting to learn more about the characters and their pasts. What made them who they were and the relationships they had. I always love the characters in Virginia Heath's because they feel real and part of our reality.

From the brilliant descriptions, to the fantastic plot that made me curious and excited at each turn of a page, Virginia Heath captivated me in yet another wonderful escape through time and space.

Overall, if you love historical romances, like I do, and marriage by convenience and enemies to lovers tropes are your cup of tea, this book if meant for you.
[I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Virginia Heath for the eCopy of this book and for allowing me to join in the fun and being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.]