A review by pattieod
The Confession by Charles Todd


I've read all the previous Inspector Rutledge mysteries, accept the slow pace, and really enjoy the level of detail in most of them, but this one dragged even more than usual. D....r.....a....g...g...e....d. And it seemed even more formulaic than past books in the series. Let's see: Big house? check. Pretty family member? check. Picturesque village? Check. Trips back and forth from London to picturesque village? check. With Hamish in the back seat? Of course.

There was a historical event in the village that could have played a more prominent part in the story, but mostly it was just a lot of driving back and forth, with stops at the abandoned big house.

The authors need to shake things up a bit - someone murdered on ship in the harbor in London, Ian gets hurt and has to solve a whole case from a wheelchair, Ian finds a really feisty girlfriend who will eventually move to American and become Nancy Drew's ill-fated mother - I don't know, SOMETHING different.