A review by tuesdaymira
Cat Pictures Please and Other Stories by Naomi Kritzer


A blend of magical realism, speculative fiction, time travel and near-future technology is my catnip. I loved everyone one of these stories. Each one felt like being immersed in an interesting place and meeting someone that I'd like to know better. It's up there with the Becky Chambers Wayfarers series.

I read the final story, So Much Cooking, this morning before breakfast (i.e. while a little hungry, but with a plan for what to do about it), and it led to some tears and probably a sense of haunting that will stay with me for a long time...in a good way. It is an epistolary story of a food blogger in 2018 Minneapolis who chronicles the changes that come to her life when a bird flu pandemic arrives. The authenticity of the story is pretty astonishing (like, I now have some questions about the author's interest in and experience with time travel), and when I realized that the bookmark I had been using in the book was a printed note from a friend about how to use the cloth face masks that she had made, there was a moment or two or reckoning with real life.