A review by onebookmore
Faye and the Kingdom of Ice by Nicole Bailey


Faye, Daron, Alec, and Telanes are back for the epic conclusion to the Faye and the Ether series. Desperate to break the curse that binds the dragons’ powers, Faye learns that the answer may lie in the Kingdom of Ice. But when Faye and her entourage journey there, things are not entirely what they seem. With danger awaiting them at every turn and time running out, Faye and her party must figure out who to trust and how far they are willing to go to break the curse.

Wow! I can’t believe this series is over! Faye has come such a long way since the first book when she initially learned about her abilities and a whole new supernatural world. Now the leader of the dragons, Faye is so much more confident and sure of herself. Her relationships, much like Faye, have grown and strengthened and have become more of a tight-knit family. Other relationships in the story are developed too, and there are some really fun and witty conversations between friends throughout. I love all of the banter and fun antics, as they help ease the tension of some particularly suspenseful scenes. I love the friendships in the story as much as I love the swoon-worthy romances.

The romances, of course, are always my favorite parts of a novel, and the love stories in this series are fantastic! I adore how Telanes and Faye’s relationship, as well as Daron and Alec’s, have grown and developed. The love and connection, devotion, and support that each couple demonstrates is just the beginning of these layered and loving partners, and I was totally there for it! They have some super swoon-worthy and romantic moments, and I kind of feel like Telanes should be my new book boyfriend. He’s so intense and in love, and he isn’t afraid to show it. And Daron and Alec are total relationship goals! They have the best friends-to-lovers romance. Both are such amazing couples, and I couldn’t get enough of them. Alec explains their relationships so well when he compares new love to a sapling and their love as an older tree, steady and beautiful and only growing better with age. This is exactly how I see both Alec and Daron’s relationship and Telanes and Faye’s. Unbreakable, unwavering, deep, and passionate.

The story also has a ton of action, danger, and excitement as Faye travels to the mysterious Kingdom of Ice. The journey is perilous and fraught with obstacles, and the kingdom is more dangerous than they ever imagined. Secrets, lies, betrayal, and more make for a gripping read with several unexpected and tragic twists. And, oh my word, prepare yourselves! New kingdoms, new terrain, as well as new and old threats, are just some of the problems Faye, Daron., Telanes, and Alec face, and none of them are safe.

Faye and the Kingdom of Ice is a great conclusion to the Faye and the Ether series, and I’m so thankful to Nicole Bailey for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. I’m sad that the series has come to an end, but am so glad I got to go on this journey with Faye, Daron, Alec, and Telanes. This is such a unique series and one that I highly recommend to readers of YA or NA fantasy and romance.