A review by thisisjusttheprologue_
Leave the Lights On by Liv Andersson


"The only way to deal with what happened is to leave again. Find somewhere truly remote, and just blend in. Stop trying to form relationships or have a meaningful job. You can't have what normal people have. Normal is not for you. Stop looking for it."

Beatrice and Josh live the perfect life in an upscale town in Maine. Perfect, except for the fact the Josh is having an affair, has a baby with another woman, and Beatrice has a past that is mind blowingly complicated. Why are children getting kidnapped in this small town, why are the kids both connected to Beatrice and Josh, and who is targeting them?

" "We've seen the changes- to the people and the landscape. Sometimes, though, the more things change, the more you realize nothing changes.""Are we still talking about the island and psychiatry, Professor?"Hanes winked at me. "We're talking about life, my dear. Just life." "

After reading this and Little Red House, this author will be an auto-buy from me. I enjoyed the psychological suspense of this book and couldn't wait to find out what happens. This book was all single POV but did have "then" and "now" chapters. I really enjoyed the storyline of the "then" chapters and that is what really kept me invested in the story. I was all about the culty/Stockholm Syndrome vibes we get in the "then" chapters. Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot. I would have liked more "then" chapters and I would also like some more answers at the end. Like more closure about Seth and who he really is. Also, when we find out who the real antagonist is, it isn't made clear whether or not that was the person following Beatrice for all those years.

Some other thoughts:
"You've known for months, years maybe. You don't get to act like the victim now." Eww. Why is Josh mad at Beatrice for not telling him that she knew he was having an affair? "...I want to punch Josh in the face.
" "Her car's gone. She hasn't returned my calls." "Then she went on a trip, Beatrice She's an adult. She's allowed to move about freely. You're letting your imagination get the best of you." "...Anger provoking response to a perceived hysterical woman reporting a missing person. Sadly, I read and hear on podcasts all the time that this is a frequent law enforcement response to a missing person inquiry.

Thank you to Crooked Lane and NetGalley for this ARC. Publication date is October 17th, 2023!
#LeaveTheLightsOn #NetGalley