A review by kiraly
The Weight of Stars by Tessa Gratton


I don't usually like to read things that are shorter than novel-length, but when I finished [b:The Strange Maid|18301603|The Strange Maid (The United States of Asgard, #2)|Tessa Gratton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1396739924s/18301603.jpg|25790139] and saw that this collection of three novellas was coming out, I knew I had to read them. I definitely recommend reading them in the order collected here if you can. It isn't critical, but they refer to each other at various points and it's nice to have insider knowledge. (Like when Vider pesters Sune about who his girlfriend is...if you've already read Gold Runner when you read Lady Berserk, you'll know.)

In general I would highly recommend the United States of Asgard series to anyone with a love for/interest in Norse Mythology. One of the things I find most fascinating about that particular branch of myth is that the gods are so fallible - they make mistakes that will eventually cause the end of the world. In these books, you get to see a world in which those gods are part of modern society and have shaped the culture around them. Also, there's the constant looming prospect of Ragnarok, and intense characters who fall in love with people they shouldn't. Worth the read. Start with [b:The Lost Sun|13021366|The Lost Sun (The United States of Asgard, #1)|Tessa Gratton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1362068810s/13021366.jpg|18183974] first and then read The Strange Maid before picking up these novellas.