A review by snazzybooks
Hangman by Daniel Cole


Book reviews on www.snazzybooks.com

I was so excited to read the follow up to the hugely successful Ragdoll - and Hangman, the second in the Detective William Fawkes series, definitely doesn't disappoint! Much like the first, it's a rollercoaster of a ride of tension, mystery and general craziness as the focus turns to Baxter this time, and a string of gory murders in the US which have worryingly familiar elements to them...

I have to say, at first I was a little worried that I wouldn't get to read about Fawkes, who I loved in the last book - however, Baxter more than makes up for it, truly shining with her cutting comments and no-nonsense attitude. I absolutely loved reading about her, and some new characters to add to the mix in Curtis and Rouche who, although very different to Baxter, is another brilliant character who kept me wanting to read on. The characters are really what makes this story such addictive reading; that mixed with brilliant humorous scenes (with a heavy dose of black humour, which I loved) and fantastic situations (some completely crazy and unbelievable, but who cares?) which kept me laughing throughout. It may have even beaten Ragdoll for me (no mean feat!), as I felt like I had more of a grasp on what was going on in this novel - well, to some extent - there was plenty to craziness to keep track of!

I'd forgotten how brilliantly entertaining Daniel Cole's writing is, and Hangman left me desperately wanting more - that ending too! Bring on book 3 (and quickly, please!).

* Many thanks to Orion for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest and unbiased review. *