A review by kimching232
Other Broken Things by Christa Desir


Honest, dark and gritty, this book is written in Christa Desir's signature style. I was iffy about reading this one at first because I didn't enjoy Fault Line, but I'm glad that I requested it anyway because this book is amazing! Admittedly, at first I didn't think that it was going to be an amazing book for me, but as I read on, I felt more and more connected to the main character and I had this desire to really know her and her story, and I was not disappointed.

To be honest I don't know what it is exactly about this book that won me over, but after I closed the book, I felt like the book really meant something to me. Exactly what, I'm not sure. I think it was an eye-opening experience, and I guess I just felt like there was so much truth in this book. The author did not downplay anything about life, and I appreciate that. This book is not about being inspirational - although sometimes it's kind of uplifting too. No, this book is about being honest and facing life head on. This book is about accepting that things are not in our control, and it's about letting go. It's about being at peace with life - knowing that it sucks and the only things that we can control are our choices, so we might as well make good ones.

I really enjoyed this book and now I'm thinking about going back to finish reading Fault Line because I only got to before halfway of the book. I really appreciate this book and the author, and I'm looking forward to reading more books by her.