A review by bestofkit
A Year of Loving Kindness to Myself by Brigid Lowry


Let me start by saying I don’t read a lot of spiritual works so I’m not sure my opinion on this should be given a lot of weight. That being said, I enjoyed listening to this book tremendously. The writing is comforting and delightful and the narration was warm and soothing. Lowry’s realistic attempts at implementing her spiritual practices during trying times made me feel seen. Over the last week it was a joy to listen to one of the many micro chapters of this book and smile. This will definitely be an audiobook I will want to revisit over and over. Would also make a great holiday gift!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ALC.

Recommended for: anyone needing a little extra love and compassion, so everyone.

Content Warnings: Divorce, Grief, Religion

Categories: Self Help, Personal Growth, Nonfiction, Spiritual