A review by cathy1969
Good Chinese Wife: A Love Affair with China Gone Wrong by Susan Blumberg-Kason


Good Chinese Wife came highly recommended by a local book reviewer. I enjoy reading about other cultures so I thought I'd give it a try. The author starts by explaining how she is particularly interested in the Chinese culture and is living and going to school in China to fully immerse herself. She eventually meets Cai, who she would come to marry. The book describes very well their relationship and the different expectations in a marriage between the Chinese and American cultures.

Although the book starts out very interesting, it did tend to drag for me a bit in the middle. We, the readers, can pretty quickly gain an excellent grasp on the type of person Cai was and how it was affecting their relationship. I did feel very much for Susan having to live with the way she was treated, but unfortunately, it seemed like the same story over and over for awhile.

That being said, I was glad about the outcome and that she was a strong woman after all. I was glad I finished the book and learned a lot about the Chinese culture that I definitely did not know. I felt she relayed the story well and if she were to write another book, I'd most likely give it a whirl.