A review by sil3nos
The Goddess of Nothing At All by Cat Rector


First of all, despite this being a negative review, this does not mean that this book can't be enjoyed (many have, according to its average rating) or that the author is incompetent. I think that there are some very cool ideas in here, just that they don't get the opportunity to shine. Also, this book is researched immaculately. Kudos to Cat Rector for that.

Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room: This book moves too fast when it is important and slows down too much when nothing of note happens. Literal eons pass in this book and we just fly by. I don't want to spoil anything but there is not enough time to care for Sigyn and Loki's romance before the narrative expects this of me. But then, characters just go on sidequests that do not really contribute much to the story. Also, there is just no real structure to anything.

The characters were (especially in the first half of the book) not for me. They got better the longer the book went on but before the 50% mark I just hated everyone with a passion. Not because the book wanted me to, but because it failed in making me care. In the end, my favorite character was VĂ¡li.

The prose was also something to be improved. People die in a sentence without any gravitas. A lot of paragraphs were totally skippable. Some of the dialogue felt really unnatural.

I think this book needed a few more polishing steps before it could be released (or at least before it suited my taste).